Friday, November 14, 2008

Morning madness

When my alarm goes off at 5 a.m. I wake up and get in the shower. Afer I get out of the shower I get my clothes out and start ironing them out. When I am finish with ironing my clothes would lay back down in the bed and go to sleep again. I will wake back up at 6:30 and put my clothes on and get ready to walk out the door. I walking to the bus stop where I will be for about ten listen to my music. When I final get on the bus it is about ten mins after seven. When I get to the second and last bus stop it is runing late and I'm at the stop about 25 mins, ans when I final get on the bus it is so many people on the bus I didn't want to get on the bus but I did because I didn't wanted to be late for school. When I get off the bus it's about ten mins before 8 and it doesn't take even 5 mins to wake to school so I get to school 3 mins later. I go to my locker and put my things in them and start to walk to my first period music class.


R3R3 B4B33 said...

You go through alot in the morning....thats alot of surprised you have atttitudes in the morning like i would

Dat Man frum da South said...

You don't seem to be mad when you come in here. You be cool listenting to your music.