Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What would you do if you woke up in another countryand no one could understand you?

If I woke up in another country and no one couldn't understand me I would be mad and happy at the same time. I would be mad because there wouldn't be no one there that I would know. An other thing that would make me mad is that there food would taste different from what im use to. I would be mad that I wouldn't be able to understand what they was talking about. It would be cool in another way becasue they wouldn't be able to understand what im saying and I could make fun of them in front of them. Another thing that would be cool is that I would be able to walk around in a different and see there sites. It would also be cool if I learn some of the things that they do for fun. It would be a fun and a mistake for me to wake up in another country.

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