Monday, December 1, 2008

The bravest thing I ever done

The bravest I ever done was when my grandfather pull his gun out when he was drinking and I try to talk to him about what he was about to. I was in his bed room looking at the tv and there were alot of noise coming from the first floor. I guess he got tired of listen to the noise that's when he came in the room went in his closet to get his shotgun. I was nervous because this was the first time I seen him mad like this before. He went down the stairs and he wanted me to go down there to so I went and my cousin lock his self in his room. My grandfather was mad because they was fighting over money and my greandfather started to hit the door my cousin was in with the gun. It was to funny because both my cousin was crying and my cousin that in the room was on the floor. I think my grandfather wasn't going to hurt them just wanted to scare them, and I was still scare because the way he was moving the gun.


g4atw said...

you know my father had to kick a guys(grass) for spitting on him. but you heard it here first gerad-obama

Rel said...

thats crazy i woulda been scared as h***